I understand each individual bride simply wants to look perfect. That’s why as your MUA i will take away all your worries and create a style for you that compliments your natural skin tone and i will ensure you look beautiful all day long.
– Victoria Bradfield MUA and Wedding expert.
This is an ultimate guide from wedding make up artist expert, Victoria on how to achieve that perfect wedding glow.
Filled with plenty of hints and tips for pre- wedding preparations.

The perfect bridal evening.
‘‘Twas the night before your wedding”……….
You’ve meticulously planned every detail of your wedding day so don’t wing it now!
MUA Victoria says-
Think about who you want around you to provide a calming but fun evening of last minute wedding prep before the big day. So much excitement and nerves you need a good bride squad to help you through this last hurdle. Surround yourself with people that can help with any problems or worries that arise.
6 months before the date you should get serious about your skincare. Stepping up on the cleansing routine, introducing serums, exfoliation and masks. Having professional facials every 4-6 weeks so you can have the best skin on your wedding day.
Now this night is the last chance to reap the benefits of all you did. Cleanse and exfoliate (tested in advance) ensuring there is no debris on the skin. This will help the make up application on the day.
MUA Victoria always recommends not to forget the following:
- Up your water intake
- Decrease salt intake
- Cut down or out coffee
- No processed foods – you are what you eat, so choose healthy meals.
To help achieve that gorgeous glow on your wedding day, then on the night before try and avoid alcohol or at least equal measures of water too. Otherwise it can leave you bloated and tired. Make your evening fun but sensible, do things that will help you relax and sleep well. Maybe a bubble bath with candles while you have your mini facial. Avoid your phone as much as possible especially later in the evening, the blue light keeps the brain too active. Don’t be tempted to pick it up if you wake in the night.
Don’t forget to paint those nails if you have not already done so, it just doesn’t work well on the day. I can say this from much experience.
Try and have an early night, but start this in the days leading up to your wedding incase insomnia sets in on your pre wedding night. Try a pillow mist, I use one from the Body Shop if I’m struggling to sleep well.
If you’re having a summer wedding, make sure there is no last minute sunbathing, red skin will show in pictures and you don’t want to be sun burnt and dehydrated. You’ve worked hard for this day, you don’t want any last minute mistakes.
A professional MUA like Victoria will always advise taking a clutch bag with you to your wedding reception. (Delegate one of the bridesmaids to look be in charge of this!) This is the time to gather the things you might need like a little make up touch up kit, lipstick, powder and concealer always handy to have for the evening. Sort out your overnight bag if your staying somewhere else after your wedding, make tomorrow as stress free as possible.
Any last minute spots that rear their ugly heads….. leave them alone. Your MUA can hide a spot but not a dried up scab. You will save your photographer from hours of photo shop.

Most importantly enjoy your pre- wedding evening with whoever you choose to spend it with. This is meant to be fun and exciting. The last night before being married to the love of your life!
For more information on what Victoria’s fabulous services and prices are then please find details on her website.
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